In Emerentia Sasse 's second marriage was born sons Berndt, named after his grandfather, Stephanus (* 1550 in Stockholm 7/2) and Johan Sasse (* 1552 23/2 ibidem). These birth data reproduced by Palmskiöld according to "schedule genethliacum» Staffan D. Y. Foreign studied in Rostock and Greifswald, was sheriff of Saari 'farm 1572-75, dwelt in Riga 1576-77, with his brother Klaus Sasse spoken, and got 1579 9/7 proxy to exercise oversight of the Dannemora mine. He came to trial in 1584 6/7 of her nephew's Lasse Eriksson's behalf, and blessed is mentioned in TB (Tankeboken) 1589 22/2. Frans de Brun indicates to him the death year 1618 5th January He has studied carelessness the TB, where his brother Johan spoken of as death that year. (Ref: Pontus Möller Släktforskarnas Yearbook 1998)
Stephans father also named Stephan had a few brothers that might have been studying at the university at Greifswald. as there names Georgius (Göran) and Johann appears ,
His father Stephan and information on he himself are found in the middle age letters in the Swedish archives|register_facet%24Brev%2FSDHK+%28medeltidsbrev%29%3A&FacettState=xXo49g%3Ao|AXROIQ%3Ac|&page=1&f=True#tab